tilo GmbH

Case Study: Tilo Successfully Digitizes with Pimcore

Tilo has been producing Austrian quality wooden floors since 1950. Today it’s an internationally known family enterprise with over 250 employees which produces floors, stairs, and wooden strips on the same ground the company started in 1950. The only thing that has changed is its online presence made with Pimcore. 2019 the website of tilo relaunched. The aim was clear: it has to have a timeless, new and modern look. Furthermore we implemented the B2B partner section as well as tilo Kosmos. Every single page and data comes from a Pimcore installation.


tilo GmbH


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shortend time to market




media assets


data objects


Restricted sample order and a modern interface

The challenge was to provide the amount of data for serveral different channels and websites, to update them on a daily basis and give them a modern makeover in order to reflect the company’s passion and detail oriented work. Moreover, tilos request has been to restrain customers to order more than 6 samples in an order and conduct the order without any kind of registration. This was also the demand for the sample orders in the B2B partner area when ordering for their own customers.


Happy customers, happy partners, happy tilo.

Initially, we had to process and provide the data with PIM to the different channels. With the help of DXP/CSM we relaunched the website, as well as the partner area, the website https://easy.tilo.com/de and the tilo Kosmos https://kosmos.tilo.com/. For that, we built a multisite with a multitheme for all pages and portals. The shop was conducted with the Pimcore Digital Commerce platform and CoreShop and offers the opportunity to order samples without any kind of registration to customers and partners.


Successful digitisation with Pimcore

With the help of Pimcore, tilo managed to process and provide the data for the multisites, portals and an app. With the relaunch of tilo we reached all of our goals. The website is built on a new modern stack. A Pimcore installation delivers 5 websites from tilo.com, partnerportal.tilo.com to an app that was conducted by an external provider which get’s the data from our Pimcore PIM. easy.tilo.com was another site that launched, as well as the tilo kosmos in 2021 to support the partner programm of tilo. 2021 we were asked to implement the sample orders with CoreShop without any registration as a guest. Since the launch it’s also possible to order samples within the partner area. The backend process is the same. With the integral solution we successfully digitized tilo!

"After four years, we are happy with the Website and the decision to use Pimcore. The Website and all other Systems running Pimcore work flawlessly. Our customers keep praise it over and over again. Not just the Design, but also the performance extraordinary. We are happy that we made the decision with Pimcore to have a future proof system that still is expendable. With CORS we have a reliable and competent Partner on our side."